I needed these men to respect me as their peer but also as a woman. I had to watch what I said, how I dressed and the amount make up I wore. Physically I could not always do what they could do, but I could type up their paper work faster than they could and that opened some doors for me. Instead of cursing and swearing at me for what I couldn't do, they were coming to me to ask for help, the tables were turning in my favour. I'm not a very patient girl, but I knew over time my patience would pay off. They started taking a bit of extra time to show me the ropes and their little tricks of the trade. Mr. T gave me many tips on how I should communicate with my co-workers and supervisors, if I needed a specialised piece of equipment to do my job and the reason I needed it was because I was a girl, he would help me word my request in such away that I could get what I needed. If I was taking the lead on some work, he suggested how I should delegate tasks.
I didn't just want to be treated like one of the boys, I was the only female in this crowd and I knew if I could elevate myself in their eyes to where they respected me, they would treat me better than they treated the boys. It didn't take me long before I found myself on a pedestal and I had a different understanding and relationship with each man I worked with and even with most of the contractors we worked along side with. Some confided in me and shared sad and lonely parts of their lives with me, others treated me like their daughter or sister and tried to protect me, some were always trying to make me smile. The thing with being on a pedestal is you aren't given much room to move and if a girl wasn't careful and she stepped out of line she was liable to fall off of her perch, a position she could never re-gain if she lost it. On the other hand, I had this burning desire growing deep inside of me to let my hair down, to set aside the boring business suit, and release some of the stress. If I was going to venture out into the world of BDSM I had to be very selective of who I shared the details of my life with.
When John and Paula offered to take me to a play party at another submissive's place, I was excited to go along. John assured me that I was not required to play with anyone and that being that I was with him, I was under his protection. I was pleased to find out that it was customary to introduce people by their online name. The name I had chosen at the time was insideofme, because I felt that is described where my desire to explore BDSM and where my submissiveness came from. Short for insideof me; I was introduced as inny , I couldn't get much more anonymous that that, so for now my career felt safe. John later recommended that I consider changing my nic to something with less of a sexual connotation as I found I was attracting the wrong kind of attention. So ever since then I am known as richelle or lippylilgirl.

It's one thing to be physically tired; one can sleep and rejuvenate. When you are mentally and emotionally exhausted, you can't turn your brain off at night. Physical pain would be a great distraction and would be symbolic of all that I was dealing with, but I didn't like pain, but I wanted pain, but I didn't trust anyone to inflict pain on me, and I didn't trust anyone enough to go through the release of and the letting go of some pretty strong, twisted and messed up shit. I wanted the bruises and the welts as evidence of what my heart was feeling. I wanted a Dom to beat me through my tears, to make me scream and cry and not be a typical man and try and wipe my tears away rather be the one inflicting the pain on me, in turn being the one releasing the pain from me. I never really allowed that to happen, I never found a Dom I could submit to like that so I have always held that back, stuffed it down and kept it for myself. Maybe I was saving my tears for someone worthy.
At the beginning of our first year, a college professor told us he believed that after one of our major projects, a certain number of students would drop out, of those remaining; 50% of us would make it to graduation and of those, only 50% would remain in our chosen industry five years after school. I didn't believe I fell into those stats of his. In the end, I made it to 5 years, when I walked away.
I no longer have the desire to experience pain, in the way that I wanted to back then, my pain tolerance wasn't never that high and it is probably even lower now. However I do still get turned on by bruises and welts, I just don't know if I have the ability to handle what it would take to have bruises and welts to call my own.
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